Point of failure due to unrecognized actions.
So, as with all my prior bikes I decided my OEM grips were too small in diameter.
So the Goldstrike Grips seemed to be very popular, and I have other accessories from the company, so Goldstrike was my purchase. Additionally, on my past former Goldwing from Kuryakyn I had a throttle boss on the right grip but one was not available as a palm rest on the left. But Goldstrike does have one for each grip end. Walla, happy camper (almost)
So after a time of riding many miles, in Florida and other states, using the heated grips function occasionally, I noted the left Goldstrike "over grip" started to rotate and slip, slowly, so, dummy me adjusted it, tightened the tiny bolts but still slippage. Nest, replace the 3M double sided tape, heated a bit, zip tied to ensure bondage. Again Walla. {almost}
After an another month or so, again the over Goldstrike grip started slipping and rotating. Ok heavier double sided tap, GD's ill fix this sh..t as Lewis Black would say. Again happy my grip and throttle boss are working as intended and my left hand is a happy camper. (almost)
This worked for a time but again apparently (dah) my resting on the installed throttle grip was the culprit. And finally I found a small broken wire protruding from under the OEM grip, as this grip had broken loose and started also slipping on the handle bar, and outwards breaking the heated grip wire. Yep my indicator on the dash shows a a grayed out grip and the other lighted.
Watched some YouTube videos on how to repair a broken heated grip wire, great, I'm a Clusiseman's Video aficionado yea. Nope, opened the control module on the handle and found there were two wires disconnected or broken. and only one protruding from the hand grip. Tried to insert a photo here, but no luck. Did find the OEM grip glue broken loose, removed grip and found the internal handlebars retention tube insert has been forced from the retention holes, so fixed that defect. Never did understand why that is there, but assume it is the connector for the handle bar weights which are not used for replacement grips.
Checked my Shop manual, but no joy there.
So bottom line, I ordered a replacement OEM grip and harness, $190.00. Sh..t!@@@! You and you alone every day decide to do a an "aweshit" or not, but lesson learned, and thought I would pass it on, if in the unlikely chance I have a doppelgänger out there somewhere who might benefit.
Once I receive I try to trace the broken harness and replace, or wait until I teardown the bike for an air filter replacement. Any help in helping me find the harness connecting point inside the bike would be appreciated, PM me at securitybob at iCloud dot com. Notified Goldstrike, who of course have never heard of the issue, and are sending me replacement 3M two sided tapes strips when I reinstall their grips, (and yes, no throttle boss on the left, GD it....LOL